Our company has been on the market since 2003.

Over the years, we have gained sufficient experience in the supply of spare parts, components and assemblies for all industries in which Caterpillar machines operate, such as road construction, mining, oil and gas production, etc. (for the oil and gas industry)


Large holdings of the Russian Federation entrust us with deliveries.

One of our advantages is an individual approach to each client, regardless of where he is geographically.

Having rich experience in the supply of spare parts, we can recommend to our customers both original spare parts and high-quality analogues of EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN manufacturers (we do not supply components produced by Asian factories, the quality of which leaves much to be desired)

We approach the supply of spare parts with all responsibility and do not want equipment downtime due to our fault.

We are constantly working to reduce the waiting time for the delivery of spare parts.

Affordable prices and short delivery times for spare parts are our main goal. We are working to satisfy our customers with the prices of components and the timing of their delivery.